1-Year Anniversary!

July 26, 2023
2 min read
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This week marks the 1-year anniversary of Skeleton Key!

Time certainly flies… spinning up a new studio and going through ideation on our first game has been a whirlwind. And although we don’t have details to share about the game in this update, I can say we’re continuing to put together an amazing team of talented folks that I feel privileged to work with. We each share a passion for creating games, and it is inspiring watching ours come together. Thank you, team!

Reflecting on the year, it's a marathon, not a sprint, is certainly applicable to what we are doing. We are taking advantage of the early stages of game development and focusing on building a talented core leadership team, staying smaller longer, understanding our players, our game, and staying strategic about what we want to accomplish with our first outing. It has given us the ability to stretch our wings a bit and take the time we need to start laying the foundation for what is to come with support from Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro.

In addition to making a game, we are currently building our physical studio space in Austin, TX. As we have folks working across North America, having a home base was important to come together for team building, reviews, playtests, onsite visits etc. Or for those of us who live locally, it is a great place to work when we feel like getting some time out of the house. Seeing each other face-to-face is always awesome, and having a spot to facilitate creativity and collaboration is important to us.  We are hiring by the way…. if you are interested in knowing more, please click the link below.

I hope this note finds you well. We are looking forward to sharing more about our first game in the future and we would like to start having a dialog with you all and getting your thoughts as we get further along in development. We respect and appreciate the power of our players and your ability to help shape and improve our games. We can’t do this without you, so huge thank you in advance!

All the best,


TM & © 1995-2022 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

TM & © 1995-2022 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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